Don’t judge a book by the cover.

It seems we always look at people and form an instant first impression. We analyse, form an opinion and put them in a box. All this just by looking at them. I am guilty of this too, It’s how we’re programmed. So this week I decided to challenge my brain and took my guerilla journalism to the streets again. This post is to remind us not to assume because you really don’t know until you ask a few questions. I asked individuals to ‘tell me something about themselves no-one would know just by looking at you?’

I heard the weird, wonderful and surprising.

no1 knows- 7 countries“I work for Nasa and I’m studying for a Phd.”

“I once lived in the Peruvian Amazon.”


“I was a classically trained opera singer.”

no1 knows- karate yellow“I’m a karate yellow belt.”

no1 knows-colourblind cheated“I’m a little high.”

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